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Table Completion - Practice 4

Dorm Introduction

Welcome to your Table Completion Practice 4

Questions 1-6

Complete the table below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.




Items Provided

Dining Hall

1st floor



Gym and recreational hall


10 am to 10 pm

Treadmills, weight sets, 3, pool table




6, microwave, oven, stove



1. 7am to midnight

2. basement

3. ping-pong tables

4. 2nd floor

5. 24 hours

6. refrigerator


Lecturer: Welcome to your new home for the upcoming year. These dorm rooms are among the best in the nation and are the newest ones at this school. So I hope you will all learn to appreciate them and take good care of all the facilities here. I am Gina, and I will be residential advisor in this building for the year. Today. I am going to tell you about some of the programmes and facilities that are. available to you. I Will also be telling you the rules that everyone is expected to abide by. I will be asking you to give me your full attention for the next few minutes.

I will first tell you about the facilities that are available to you. The dining, facility is located on the 1st floor ‘of the building. It is Open 7 days a week. from 7 am to midnight (Q1), All the food offered to students is freshly made every day. and my own opinion is that the food is actually, quite good. Feel free to come and grab a banana for breakfast or sit down with a group of friends for dinner. Although your meals are served buffet style. please do not waste food. All students are expected to clean their own tables. after meals.

In the basement of this building, there’s a gym and recreational hall (Q2). The gym has workout equipment such as treadmills and weight sets. In the recreational hall, there are ping-pong tables (Q3) and a pool table for student use. You must sign in when using this equipment. and you will be held responsible for any damages or losses. The gym and recreational hall are open daily from 10 am. to 10 pm.

There is a kitchen located on the 2nd floor of this building (Q4). Your dorm key will open this door. lnside there is a refrigerator (Q6), a microwave. an oven. and a stove. This room is open 24 hours a day (Q5), 7 days a week. If you decide to cook a meal. please be considerate to all the students and clean up after yourself. You can use some food in here. but please do not make a mess. Some students do end up having their food eaten from the fridge. so be careful. don’t leave anything that looks like it tastes really good! Do not leave pots and pans lying around in the kitchen. Please store these in your room.

There are many programmes being sponsored by our building this year. One of the most popular is our Saturday morning outings. In the past years. these trips have included going fishing, hiking. cycling. ice-skating. and even going to the beach. There will be a listing of scheduled events coming out soon. The university sponsors these trips so transportation will be provided. However. there are usually SOme costs associated. though they are usually minimal.

Our building also has a volleyball team. All students who live in this building are welcome to join. Last year. we won first place in the dorm league. Please sign up at the front desk if you are interested as soon as possible, as there are only 20 spaces available. based on a first come. first served rule.

The last things I want to talk about are the rules of our building. I know rules can be boring, but they are necessary to ensure the welfare of everyone living here. First. noise levels must be kept to a minimum after 11 pm. Many students have early classes for those of you that have the luxury of sleeping in till 10. please don’t stay up late making lots of noise. Secondly. all visitors must sign in at the front door. Even if you have friends that are regular visitors. they must still always sign in. This rule is to prevent theft and robbery from occurring. Thirdly, alcohol and drugs are not permitted in this dorm in any place or at any time. Lastly. just be safe. and have a great time. University is the greatest time of your life. so make the most of it. Thank you all for your attention.

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