New Cambridge IELTS General Reading Test 1 - 2023

Questions 1 to 7
What to do if your luggage is lost or delayed by an airline

Airlines are obligated to take proper care of your luggage when you travel with them. If your luggage is lost or delayed, you are entitled to some form of compensation from the airline. If the airline has any disclaimers about not being responsible for delayed or lost luggage, don’t be misled. They cannot refuse responsibility simply by stating so.

Upon discovering your luggage is delayed or lost, contact the airline immediately and describe the situation. They might propose a settlement right away. If not, you should request them to either cover the cost of necessary items you need while waiting for your luggage or to pay for replacements if the luggage is lost.

If they are responsible for replacing lost items, they must offer you the value of the items at the time you checked them in, not their brand-new cost. You might be asked to show proof of the original cost, such as a receipt. Depending on the condition of the lost items, the airline can offer you a lesser amount, and you may need to negotiate the cost. If the airline is part of a global network, you may wish to contact their central customer service department.

If the airline declines to compensate you or offers an insufficient amount, try these steps:

• If the airline is part of an international regulatory body, you may send your complaint to them for assistance.

• You might seek an assessment from an independent organization, but be prepared to pay a fee (usually around $150).

If you’ve exhausted the above options and remain unsatisfied, legal action might be your last resort. From the time your luggage was lost or delayed, you have up to two years to go to court.

Questions 8 to 14

A Cooking Enthusiasts’ Circle

This group meets every second Saturday of the month for those aged 18-40. We enjoy cooking together, sharing recipes, and exploring different culinary traditions. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned cook, everyone’s welcome. We mostly focus on savory dishes but do indulge in desserts on special occasions.

B Painting Collective

This community workshop welcomes aspiring and professional artists. We meet at a studio every Tuesday evening. It’s a place to share your art, get feedback, and learn new techniques. Exhibitions are organized quarterly where members can display and sell their artwork. Participation in exhibitions is optional.

C Writers’ Hub

Looking for a platform to hone your writing skills? Our group meets twice a month on Fridays. We are a mix of novelists, bloggers, and poets. From writing prompts to critiques, we offer support for all writing levels. The group’s anthology is published yearly, and all members have the opportunity to contribute.

D Dance and Movement Society

An open community for dancers and movement enthusiasts. We gather every Wednesday and cater to various dance forms, from ballet to hip-hop. Children under 10 are welcome with their parents. We host annual performances, and all are welcome to participate. No auditions are required.

E Green Thumbs Club

We are a group of gardening lovers who meet every first Sunday of the month. Open to all, we focus on organic gardening and sustainable practices. Plants grown by members are often available for exchange or purchase. We do not limit ourselves to flowers or vegetables; any plant lovers are welcome!

F Bookworms’ Guild

This group is specifically for teens aged 14-18, meeting every third Thursday. We love reading all kinds of fiction, especially mysteries and thrillers. Discussions are lively, and members often suggest the next book. The group is currently at full capacity, but interested ones can join the waitlist.

Questions 8 to 14
Green Urban Living

Green Urban Living The development of green urban spaces has become a priority in modern city planning. City parks, green roofs, community gardens, and green walls all contribute to creating a more sustainable and livable environment.

Green roofs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also function to reduce stormwater runoff and decrease heating and cooling costs in buildings. They consist of a waterproof layer, a drainage system, a growing medium, and plants. Maintenance is required at least twice a year, conducted by trained professionals.

Community gardens provide local access to fresh produce and often utilize organic farming practices. These gardens can be managed by volunteers or local organizations, and they encourage community involvement and education about sustainable agriculture.

The addition of city parks and green walls can greatly enhance the aesthetics of a city, as well as provide recreational spaces for the public. City parks are maintained by local municipalities, and they often include amenities such as playgrounds, jogging paths, and picnic areas. Green walls, on the other hand, are vertical gardens that can be installed on building exteriors, helping to improve air quality.

In the planning and implementation of these green urban spaces, collaboration between city planners, landscape architects, local authorities, and community members is key. Considerations must be made for water management, plant selection, maintenance, and overall design to ensure the success of these initiatives.

Questions 23 to 27

Read the text below and answer Questions 23-27.

Managing Customer Returns

Handling customer returns can be a challenging task. Here are some approaches to manage this process efficiently and professionally.

When a customer wants to return a purchase, understand that the situation isn’t personal. Challenging the customer’s reasoning will lead nowhere. The buyer is generally dissatisfied with a product or service, or sometimes both. An employee who stays composed and objective navigates the situation better.

Allow the customer to explain their dissatisfaction. React with statements like ‘Alright’, ‘Go on’, or ‘Please continue’. Then, listen. When the customer sees you are not defensive, they often become less agitated. The customer needs to reach this point before accepting your resolution.

Once the customer feels you’ve understood their perspective, begin asking specific questions. Don’t rely on canned responses; instead, seize this chance to have an authentic conversation, forming a bond of trust with your customer. To truly understand the issue, gather all necessary details.

Assume responsibility for the situation and inform the customer of your plan to rectify the problem. An important thing to remember is that you must be aware of what you can and cannot do following the company’s policies. The compensation could be trivial — perhaps a small discount on the next purchase or an extra service. Such an act can lead to positive reviews from others, but making a promise you cannot keep will only cause problems.

Questions 28 to 40


Reviving the Art of Traditional Bookbinding

A The last acknowledged master of traditional bookbinding retired in the small town of Bindersville in 1973. The art form’s decline may be attributed to the rise of mass-produced books and the prevalence of digital reading devices. However, traditional bookbinding, with its intricate designs and handcrafted elegance, is beginning to re-emerge. In the past, bookbinding was seen as a symbol of culture and sophistication, and owning handcrafted books was a sign of prestige. Sadly, in the subsequent decades, this craft was nearly forgotten, often dismissed as an outdated and unimportant skill. Today, there is a growing recognition of the beauty and cultural significance of hand-bound books, leading to a renewed interest in preserving this historic art form.

B The renaissance began when a group of enthusiasts gathered at Bindersville’s historic workshop in January of this year to study traditional techniques. The first session revealed a large collection of tools, from bone folders to brass type sets, many of which were dusty and unused for years. The students, ranging from artists to historians, were thrilled at the prospect of reviving a nearly lost craft. Though their initial efforts were crude and awkward, their passion for learning was palpable. These aspiring bookbinders are part of a larger movement to bring the craft back to life, spurred on by workshops across Europe that have successfully revived the practice.

C While the revival of traditional bookbinding has many champions, it also has some critics who question the practicality of this labor-intensive craft in today’s fast-paced world. Detractors argue that the time and effort required to produce a single hand-bound book are incongruent with the demands of modern society. Others worry that the art might become commercialized, losing its authentic charm. Proponents, however, see it as a mindful practice that connects us with history, providing a tactile pleasure that modern technologies cannot replicate.

D The support for traditional bookbinding has been varied. Certain educational institutions have eagerly embraced it, offering courses and workshops. Some artists and craftsmen have dedicated their careers to mastering and teaching this craft. However, funding has been inconsistent, with grants and support often difficult to secure. Organizations like the Bookbinding Heritage Foundation have been instrumental in providing both financial backing and logistical aid. The collaboration between individual craftsmen, educational bodies, and supportive organizations has been crucial in rejuvenating this once-neglected art form.

E Across the world, the revival of traditional crafts such as bookbinding is seen as a part of cultural preservation. In countries like Japan, where traditional arts are deeply valued, similar efforts are being made to protect and pass on age-old practices. There is a shared understanding that these crafts contribute to a society’s cultural richness and continuity. Efforts to restore traditional bookbinding resonate with the larger global movement to sustain our shared cultural heritage.

F The revival of traditional bookbinding may well influence our relationship with books and reading. The craft invites readers to engage with books as beautiful objects that can be treasured. It encourages a slower, more reflective approach to reading. The appreciation for handcrafted books could also foster a renewed love for literature itself. As the art of traditional bookbinding continues to grow, it has the potential to reshape our reading culture, adding a layer of aesthetic pleasure and cultural connection.


Questions 1-7
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1 Airlines are generally responsible for lost or delayed luggage, even if they have a disclaimer saying otherwise.

2 If the airline loses your luggage, they must provide you with enough money to purchase brand new replacements.

3 If you can show a receipt for a lost item, the airline must refund the amount you initially paid for it.

4 It might be feasible to get help with your complaint from an international regulatory body if the airline is a member.

5 If you're offered insufficient compensation, you may obtain a report from an independent organization without any cost.

6 Legal action against an airline regarding lost or delayed luggage usually results in the customer winning the case.

7 If your luggage was lost or delayed eighteen months ago, you can still take the airline to court.

Questions 8-14

The text has six paragraphs, A-F.

Which paragraph mentions the following?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

8 Members of this group explore different culinary traditions.

9 It isn't possible for any new members to join this group at present.

10 You can get feedback on your art from other members of this group.

11 This group focuses on stories belonging to just one genre.

12 Work produced by members of this group will be available to the public.

13 This group doesn't read or write either poetry or fiction.

14 This group would suit someone who thinks they could write a book.


Questions 15-22

Complete the notes below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 15-22 on your answer sheet.

Green roofs
  • provide a reduction in 15 and cooling costs
  • require 16 by professionals
Community gardens
  • provide access to 17 produce
  • often managed by 18 or local organizations
City parks and green walls
  • enhance city 19
  • include 20 such as playgrounds (city parks only)
Green urban planning
  • involves collaboration with 21 architects, authorities, and members
  • considerations for 22 management

Questions 23-27

Complete the table below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 23-27 on your answer sheet.

Strategies for managing customer returns


Your approach

The customer…

Stay objective

  • Understand it isn’t about you personally.
  • Do not try to 23 the customer’s reasoning.
  • usually is 24 with a purchase.

Listen carefully

  • Use simple statements in response.
  • cannot accept a 25until less agitated

Ask specific questions

  • Have a genuine conversation.
  • will begin to trust you.

Provide resolution

  • Be aware of your company’s 26 regarding returns.
  • might leave a positive 27 later on.

Questions 28-33

The text has six sections, A-F.

Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i Concerns and benefits of traditional bookbinding
ii The impact of traditional bookbinding on reading culture
Revival efforts and initial challenges

iv The revival of bookbinding within a global context
v A cultural symbol that nearly vanished
vi Varying support for a forgotten art
Tools and techniques of bookbinding

viii Commercial prospects of bookbinding

28 Section A __

29 Section B __

30 Section C __

31 Section D __

32 Section E __

33 Section F

Questions 34-37

Complete the summary below.

Choose TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 34-37 on your answer sheet.

Revival of traditional bookbinding at Bindersville’s historic workshop In January, a diverse group of students gathered in Bindersville to explore traditional bookbinding, using tools like 34 and brass type sets.
Their initial attempts were 35 but displayed a strong passion for learning. The revival was inspired by successes in 36. Critics of the revival have expressed concern that the craft might become 37, but supporters value its connection to history.

Questions 38-40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

38 In Section A, we learn that traditional bookbinding

39 The support for reviving traditional bookbinding has been

40 What is a potential impact of reviving traditional bookbinding?







6 NG


8 A

9 F

10 B


11 B

12 F

13 E

14 C

15 heating

16 maintenance

17 fresh

18 volunteers

19 aesthetics

20 amenities

21 landscape

22 water

23 challenge

24 dissatisfied

25 resolution

26 policies

27 review

28 v

29 iii

30 i

31 vi

32 iv

33 ii

34 bone folders

35 crude (or awkward)

36 Europe

37 commercialized

38 C

39 C

40 B

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some answers are wrong.. try to correct from source file please

In this questions 11 & 12 are not related to the reading topic
also question 13 the answer can be passage D or E both doesn’t have anything related to reading

is the difficulty level in real exam same?

A very good beginning to this test. I am happy and grateful to the team

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